Holiday season is already upon us, and so begins the Roblox tradition of giving out gifts to all of you. There's lots of ways to obtain the gifts, and each present has a different way to obtain them. We love it when you guys talk it out and figure out how to obtain the gifts before they go out!
That being said, no gift this year will ever require you to spam the forums with a certain phrase or word. Making posts like this will get your threads locked, or even get you warned or banned if you continue to do so. If you really do believe that saying something will get you a present, try to work it into normal sentence.
If you're unaware of how the holiday present event works, here's a short explanation: A gift will show up on the catalog, usually with a hint as to how to obtain it somewhere. Requirements to win said gift can be anything from just logging into Roblox on a certain day, helping a lot in the Help Section, or having a certain number of place visits. After a certain amount of time, the gift is given out to everyone who meets the requirements, then it goes on sale for the people who didn't meet the requirements but still want the gift.
[1-Week Sticky]
Some Tips....
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